How to Enjoy More Sex From Your Woman More Often

The Top Things You Thought You Knew About Sex... But Didn't

By John Alexander


I'm assuming you already know the incredible pleasure you can get from sex with your wife or girlfriend. Otherwise you wouldn't have purchased this report. And if you're like most guys, you're not getting as much sex as you want. Why? Simply put, it's because your woman is not getting as much enjoyment out of sex as she should be.

Sex facts that should scare you:

A recent Redbook survey shows that 52% of women regularly fake orgasms.

Only 17% of women are likely to have an orgasm during sex (Durex Global Sex Survey).

Forty-three percent of women report "some kind of sexual problem" -- like inability to achieve orgasm, boredom with sex, or total lack of interest in sex.

Eighty percent of women surveyed say they would rather cuddle than have sex.

I could go on and on, but I'll spare you. (You can do research on any search engine to find more disturbing facts.) It all comes down to this: the reason you're not getting as much sex as you want is that your woman isn't enjoying sex as much as you do. So if you want to have more sex with your woman, you need to learn how to give her orgasms. Bed-shaking, sweaty, screaming orgasms.

You need to become good in bed. Once you do -- trust me -- she'll start asking -- even begging -- you for sex. If you don't believe me, just become the kind of guy who can give your woman lots and lots of orgasms... and see what happens.

Now, I don't want to brag on myself, but I never have the problem of not getting enough sex. My current girlfriend and I have sex multiple times a day, and usually she is the one who initiates it. In this report, I'm going to reveal my secrets to you, so that you too can become a sexual superstar.

The first and most important key to being a good lover is your mindset. This is where most of the sex books out there get it wrong. You see, it's not her mindset that matters; it's yours. I'll explain, because I know this is totally counterintuitive (which is why the sex books get it wrong). After all... isn't the woman's pleasure what it's all about if you want her to be excited about making love with you?

Yes and no. You see, for a woman to enjoy sex, she must feel relaxed. And the only way she can really and truly relax is to know that YOU fully enjoy the sex and love every moment of the smells, tastes, and feel of her body. So, in other words, you help your woman by helping yourself.

Here are four things you've never thought of...

1) During sex, always freely express your pleasure to your woman about how desirable she is. Women complain that most guys are way too quiet during sex. Ever noticed how vocal women are? Express yourself! Let her know throughout the lovemaking session how much you're enjoying it. That way she won't wonder if something's wrong. Plus, your excitement will be contagious. Even the most drop-dead gorgeous women can be timid about their vaginas, due to societal conditioning and possibly former boyfriends who insulted them when they were at their most vulnerable. As a result, you need to make your woman aware in no uncertain terms how appealing and desirable you find her body.

Not only should you qualify her by telling her how beautiful you find her, but you should also communicate it through your reactions. Let your jaw drop and say, "Wow!" when you get her panties off. When going down on her, sniff in her scent deeply and say, "Ahh you smell so sweet, baby!" Lick her and moan, "Mmmmmmm!"

2) View sex as something you do for fun and relaxation, not something you do as performance. This eases your own stress. According to the National Institutes of Health, up to two-thirds of non-disease-related causes of erectile dysfunction is caused by psychological factors such as nervousness.

3) Take a mindset of non-attachment to any outcomes in bed. You're just there to have pleasure for yourself (and not her)... that's it. Again, I know this is counterintuitive, but it's absolutely key. I'll explain shortly.

4) Be focused on the present moment. Keep all non-sexual thoughts out of your mind.

By adopting what I call my Mindset Method System, you'll remove all the pressure you have to perform. And when you're no longer feeling pressure, your woman's no longer feeling pressure either. Free from the stress of having to orgasm and having to make you think you're good in bed, your woman becomes able to truly have more pleasure than she ever thought possible.

That means she'll initiate sex a lot more often. And be a lot more responsive in bed. The whole irony is that by focusing on your own pleasure instead of hers, your woman will be free to get more (a lot more!) enjoyment out of sex. Sounds simple, right? Yes, it really is that simple .

Read about John Alexander's guide, How to Be Her Best Lover Ever, here!

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